
Namco Bandai Readying 3D Ridge Racer 7 Update

Andriasang: Upgrade early PS3 racer to 3D visuals early next month for a single coin.

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Nitrowolf25017d ago

They are really charging for this?
At least add trophy support while they are at it, seems pointless to me to add 3D for such an old game and not add trophies

lokiroo4205017d ago

I agree, why go through the trouble and not add trophies. Well I guess they couldnt charge for trophies, which is most likely why.

guitarded775017d ago

Agree TROPHY SUPPORT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry, I've been yelling a lot today.

WildArmed5017d ago

... o_O
I thought this was going to have a new installment.. if they are updating the old one.. it seems pointless
I doubt many people even play RR7 anymore

westy5525017d ago (Edited 5017d ago )

Why would anyone play this game again,ill be playing gt5 thanks, no need to get this horrible game back out of the wardrobe. lol

spunnups5017d ago

I agree, adding 3D is a complete waste of resources

morkendo5017d ago (Edited 5017d ago )

just make RIDGE RACER 8 AN no Drifting!!!
thats what made RR 7 suck.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5017d ago
callahan095017d ago

Awesome. This game was vastly under-rated. For a launch (or was it simply shortly after launch? can't remember) title, this game was gorgeous and a lot of fun. Still is gorgeous, actually.

lzim5017d ago

underrated how? people didn't have money for the system, 6 on 360 was adequate, and frankly the game is just ridge racer. Awesome game, don't get me wrong, it was an instant buy (6 on 360), but it wasn't worth the money then or now.

I was waiting for 8 for both systems rather than a quick cash grab on PS3 simply to promote 3D. where does it leave a multiplatform 8 if they are only now deciding to revive 7?

Ju5017d ago

Hm, well, only 6 on the 360 was buggy as hell with frame rate issues and what not, while the PS3 version is one of the few games which ran/runs flawlessly in full (!) 1080p @ 60fps (that is 1920x1080, nothing less).

ChronoJoe5017d ago (Edited 5017d ago )

Actually the car models look kinda silly, and environments are no better than seen in Gran Turismo 4.

I do think it's great fun though. Shame it wasn't presented as well as RR:T4, that game was sick.

It had a better intro too http://www.youtube.com/watc...

Shazz5017d ago

throw in trophies while your at it and do a relaunch at platinum range and loads will buy im sure

ChronoJoe5017d ago

I have this, ain't it like 2 years old?

I don't play it because the campaign mode is poorly structured, as an arcade game it's pretty fun for some pick-up and play, but I don't get the feeling that theirs any incentive to keep on racing after about an hour.

UP5017d ago


Quagmire5017d ago

Well...someone had to do it.

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Ace Combat 7 Director Asks Which Ace Combat and Ridge Racer Remakes You Want

Remakes and remasters have become a staple of this generation, and Ace Combat 7 Game Director Kazutoki Kono opened a couple of interesting polls on his Twitter account about two of Bandai Namco’s most classic series.

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theXtReMe12980d ago

Give me every Ace Combat from 1 to 5 and any Ridge Racer will do. Flight Combat is my favorite genre, Ill take everything you can give me.

Abriael2980d ago (Edited 2980d ago )

I'd be happy with Ace 5 and RR T4 :D

And an Ace 3 actually localized without removing the whole story.

bouzebbal2980d ago

Ace combat everyone than 6.
RR type 4 was amazing.. One of my best memories

DevilOgreFish2980d ago

Ridge Racer 4 all the way.

Aenea2980d ago

I totally agree! Love flight games and racing games, whenever I bought a new PlayStation a Ridge Racer was always that I got with it, was kinda bummed there was (and still is) none for the PS4

CrazedFiend2980d ago (Edited 2980d ago )

Adventure and maybe even FPS games makes sense but Why do THESE games need remakes?

DafunkyRebel2980d ago

Ace Combat 5 was the best and most memorable hands down

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2980d ago
Philaroni2980d ago

4, 4, 4, 4. Ace Combat Four.

FITgamer2980d ago

Yeah boy. I spent so many hours on that game. One of my favorite PS2 games.

nix2980d ago

I played one where the wingman becomes the main villian. Can't remember which one it is.

Sharingan_no_Kakashi2980d ago

4 was the first one I played and it was really good. But I like 5 the best. Being able to control your comrades was great and the story was just slightly better. Though no one is more legendary than Mobius 1.

Bennibop2980d ago

Ridge racer 4 would be amazing!

ritchi452980d ago

AC4 was my first experience not only of the series, but also my first PS2 game. Remember hammering it for hours at Xmas when I got it.
Would love to see it brought back :)

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20 years of PlayStation: the Ridge Racer revolution - Digital Foundry revisits the PS1 game

"December 3rd, 1994 - Sony launches the original PlayStation in Japan, bringing with it seismic shift in the nature of console gaming. The 2D era of sprites and bitmap art was coming to an end, with polygon-driven 3D the new standard in state-of-the-art visuals. The Sega Saturn launched a couple of weeks ahead of Sony's debut console, but it was the PlayStation that set the standard for technological innovation in this new era. Namco's Ridge Racer launched alongside the new hardware - and it was a revelation."

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rodiabloalmeida3478d ago (Edited 3478d ago )

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiddgeeee Raaaaaaaaccceeeeeeeeeer, everyone!
Says Kaz. Never forget.

MK24ever3478d ago

That is actually in the game, that's why he said it that way... but I guess you're to young to know that.

rodiabloalmeida3477d ago (Edited 3477d ago )

You lost the bet. I played the very first Ridge Racer game on the first 32 bit Arcade machine when you were on dipers. Can't take a joke, huh?

MK24ever3477d ago

I can take a funny joke, not one trying to make fun of an internet Meme which was made based on ignorance. And what makes you think I was that young in 1993? Anyway, if I misjudged your intent with that comment I'm sorry for that, but with so many trolls on here sometimes it's hard to differentiate jokes from trolling.

rodiabloalmeida3476d ago

Just don't take things too serious. That works for me. And that wasn't even a try for a joke. It was just a memory that everyone shares, at least the ones who follows the Sony brand. ;)

Hoffmann3478d ago

The music of Ridge Racer 1-5 still beats the scores from the later games though!

madmonkey013478d ago

the space invader loading screen was great in that game, complete it all to unlock all the cars and the special black car. those were the days, no micro transactions to buy a faster car in those days.

NaAsAr3478d ago

please bandai-namco. bring these classics back with online multiplayer for psn and xbox live. the newer games are utter crap.

Tapani3478d ago

Damn! I completed this game 100% once. I got all the cars, did all the crazy challenges to unlock every last one of them. The Space invader thing, everything.

I just gotto say it: THOSE WERE THE DAYS!!! :))


PlayStation Store Flash Sale on PS4, PS3, PS Vita Racing Games on Now

As is becoming more and more common, the PlayStation Store in North America will be holding yet another Flash Sale that runs through the weekend, this time with the focus on racing games.

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TrendyGamers3553d ago

How to Train Your Dragon's a racing game?

Eidolon3552d ago (Edited 3552d ago )

A lot of flying around on your dragon and timed stuff... so yeah I think it can be categorized as racing if anything.

3-4-53552d ago

Pretty decent sale for Vita.

URNightmare3552d ago

I bought Asphalt Injection and Cel Damage(cross-buy PS3/PS4/PSV) I also came across a free-to-play game on Vita I never heard of before, Deathmatch Village.

KenzaZo3551d ago

Free to Play is an advertising gimmick.

Wedge193553d ago

Weird sale this time around.

dbjj120883552d ago

Nothing for me here, though I like how Sony has been pushing a lot of deals like Steam.

GundalfDeGrej3552d ago

A good example of how competition is good for the consumer :)

InTheZoneAC3552d ago

I don't think steam has any affect on what sales go on the ps store...sony has always been about good deals...

LackTrue4K3552d ago

lol...the "agrees"

you got, shows just how much Sony has come over anything Steam can ever offer.

Dontworrybhappy3552d ago (Edited 3552d ago )

Whoo finally a PS4 flash sale... after I sold it. ):
Wtf one game? They really gotta step up PS4 sales man

T3mpr1x3552d ago

I agree. Would not sell my PS4 anytime soon, though!

EasyOneTwoThree3552d ago

Xbox fanboy pretending he sold his PS4! GTFO!

larrysdirtydrawss3552d ago

how can you sell yours when you havent even bought a ps4 yet queer

ramiuk13552d ago

its a silly time to sell a ps4 dude.
lot of great games coming now

RosweeSon3552d ago

Yeah clearly that's what's needed with 10 million plus consoles sold before or just after destiny launched.

PudgeyBurrito3552d ago

Clearly just pissed the xbone can't get over 5.5 mill. Playstation is wiping it's ass with the xbone.. it's hilarious.

ARESWARLORD3552d ago (Edited 3552d ago )

He may have sold it. I sold my launch PS4 to buy the Titanfall bundle. then I saved up and worked some overtime for the summer and yesterday I bought the PS4 last of us bundle with a second controller and second son on the side (and knack for my kid). People sell things all the time for different reasons. I was called a liar as well on this site when I sold mine. Why would someone make that up?

choujij3552d ago


I believe you, but it's probably the way he said it. At my friend's game store, he's had 2 people trade in their PS4s for Xbones, and he's had 8 people trade in their Xbones for PS4s. So it indeed happens.

ainTgoTTime2bleed3552d ago

''Clearly just pissed the xbone can't get over 5.5 mill shipped''...fixed!.... lol

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3552d ago
jegheist20143552d ago

nothing but crap i expected better then this oh well if gt 6 was in that list it be autobuy no brainer but its not

Mrveryodd3552d ago

Nothing but crap ? WTF I would be cheering if I only had something I could play this software on. That is one hell of a sale.

InTheZoneAC3552d ago

and gt6 wasn't on your release day purchase because?

jegheist20143552d ago

bcuz of the ps4 i bought thats why

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